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The Health & Confidence Coach

  • Writer's pictureLeeza Sullivan

Power Posing for Confidence!

What is power posing and more importantly - does it work?

Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist, is best known to the public for her work on body language. Cuddy became famous in her field for a 2010 study about the effects of “power poses.” The study found that subjects who were directed to stand or sit in certain positions — legs astride, or feet up on a desk — reported stronger “feelings of power” after posing than they did before.

Even more interesting than that, the research measured actual physiological change as a result of the poses: The subjects’ testosterone levels went up, and their cortisol levels, which are associated with stress, went down.

The study was impressive and was published in: Psychological Science, CNN, Oprah magazine and, inevitably, someone at the TED conference.

Amy explains that our body language - our non-verbal behaviour, communicates how we feel.

What does your body language say?

Do you cross your arms? legs crossed? how many times do you make yourself physically smaller so you don't bump into the person next to you?

Look at these examples of Power Poses - these open and expand your body.

Football supporter cheering

Football player celebrating

Woman public speaker
Open - Shoulders back - Confident and Welcoming

Two women in a meeting
Confidence at work

Power posing reflects a victory that you or accomplishment, when you feel powerful you are more likely to make these kinds of moves.

Even animals also communicate power through their own poses.

Peacocks exude confidence and power when they spread their tail feathers.

Cats - raise their back to look bigger, scarier and more powerful to scare or intimidate their opponent.

Confident Peacock
Confident Peacock

Cat with back arched
Scary Cat...

Powerlessness is also reflected and non-verbally communicated through contracted and closed postures like crossing arms, touching face and neck, anything that makes you smaller.

bad day at the office
Slouched, contracted

defeated boxer

Feeling powerful leads to our bodies reflecting that feeling of power-fullness by communicating it through body language.

Is there a way then to 'fake it till you make it?' Can we intentionally power pose our way to confidence? Amy Ruddy thinks so and explains that we already know that if you genuinely smile - a genuine one, that contracts the eyes, will bring on feelings of happiness and that is how we know that our non-verbals will reflect and reinforce feelings.

If we apply this rule to Powerful Posing and practise it regularly the outcome would be that you would feel more inner power, assertiveness and confidence.

Check out her Ted Talk where she explains the study that she created to prove her theory works.

When to Pose Powerfully?

The great thing about power poses is that they can be used at ANY time to access feelings of confidence and power. Here are some common scenarios where power poses can aid you:

  • Prior to an interview

  • Prior to an audition

  • Before giving a speech or presentation

  • Before a tough conversation

  • Right after you wake up and get out of bed each morning

Imagine the last time you went for a job interview - what were you doing whilst you were waiting to 'go in'?

Were you hunched over, making yourself as small as possible deflecting attention by using your phone? This would have been the perfect time to pop to the bathroom and practise some powerful posing for 2 minutes.

Not only would this help you feel more confident but it would have showed through your body language throughout the interview.

So how can you start actually using power poses in your life? And which are the most effective ones? Here are my favourite power poses to employ in your life to kick-start your confidence when you need it.

5 Powerful Poses to practise:

Girl with arms stretched open facing sun
“The Salutation” – Arms outstretched and face towards the sun

1. “The Salutation” – Arms outstretched and face towards the sun

This is one of my absolute favourite power-poses. To give it a try, firmly plant your feet, lift your chest and head, and outstretch both your arms, with palms and face lifted towards the sun. When it comes to taking up space, this is one of the most expansive postures you can assume, so it’s hard not to feel energised, powerful, and empowered after holding this pose for about 60 seconds (or more).

2. “The Victory” – Raising hands above head in celebration

Raising hands in celebration
“The Victory” – Raising hands above head in celebration

Think about the last Olympics you watched on TV (or maybe the last sporting event). When an athlete wins a race, scores a goal, or experiences any other type of victory, a common physical reaction that you may observe is them raising their fists and arms above their head in celebration – “The Victory” pose.

3. “The LBJ” – Leaning slightly forward, often onto a desk or chair back

This pose works especially well in business scenarios, but really any situation where you need to internalise and exhibit feelings of power. If you’re standing, take a moment to find a nearby table or chair, and place your hands on the item while leaning slightly forward. This creates a dominant, slightly-intimidating-but-not-too-much posture. It immediately allows you to command a room and demand attention and respect.

Amy Cuddy actually named this pose “The Loomer” in tribute to former president Lyndon B. Johnson – “Johnson was 6’4″, and he used his stature very thoughtfully-to both intimidate and seduce,”

Man leaning on desk
“The LBJ” – Leaning slightly forward onto a desk or chair back

4. “The Vanna White” – Gesturing with open arms

This type of power pose is great to put into action when you’re actually in the midst of some sort of event or social engagement, and you need to boost your confidence. Remember, the point of power poses is to empower you by accessing high-power postures, and taking up space is a great way to do that.

Man gesturing with open arm
“The Vanna White” – Gesturing with open arms

So, while you may not be able to outstretch both arms or assume “The Salutation” while you’re in the middle of giving a business presentation, you can still use elements of this pose by outstretching your arm(s) and using subtle gestures that make you take up more space. For example, put your arm onto a whiteboard that you’re referring to, or gesture towards a computer screen or someone else in the room – anything that you can do to outstretch your arms. Or, if you happen to be sitting down, put your arm out on the chair next to you (maybe not if someone is sitting in it, but hey, whatever floats your boat!).

5. Smiling

If you’re going for subtle, one of the BEST ways to instantly boost your mood and your confidence is smiling. Smiling can make you feel happy – it’s a form of “facial feedback,” which is a theory that assets that facial movement can influence emotional experience. So, when you smile, your body actually signals to your brain that you are feeling happy (which can then make you feel more relaxed, confidence, and all that good stuff!)

woman smiling

Now that you know about Power Poses - let me know which ones you plan using and don't forget to come back here to update us with your progress!

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